This morning I want to share a revelation that Laurie Ditto shares in her book “Encountering Heaven”.
In chapter 6 titled “Ancient Communication” she describes an encounter she saw in heaven of two men that come to talk to God about issues they have with how He is answering their prayers. She describes them as pridefully yelling their desires at God, even correcting God. After the men left the scene, she asked God why He would allow us to talk to Him like that. The sentence that Laurie types in her book brought me to tears and has resonated with me ever since I read it. She says, “Because of His great longing for us, He would take us anyway we would come.” Wow, wow, just wow!
Should we come to God with thanksgiving and awe, yes. But to think that we have such an awesome Daddy in heaven that will take us just the way we are right now, RIGHT NOW, that is overwhelmingly humbling and a love I can barely comprehend. I invite you today to just go to Him. Sit on a bench with Him, sit in the grass with Him, ride in the car with Him. But, let today be the day you “just get in there” and talk to him about anything and everything. Don’t get hung up on protocol. Especially, if it has been awhile since you have sat with Him. HE WANTS YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE AND HE LOVES YOU RIGHT NOW.💜
May God’s richest blessings be manifest for you today.